Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A picture of Lexi and I

Well, as most of you already know, a little over a week ago I adopted a little papillion chihuahua mix the Sunday before last. She is very cute and a big mama's girl. She loves to be held and has a hard time when I put her down. She is so cute. At first I wanted a big dog, but I wouldn't trade her in for all the money or dogs in the world. She's such a mama's girl. She is such a lap dog that when she is on my lap I have a hard time putting her down. Here is a picture of her and I when I picked her up at Petsmart. I love you very much girlie.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rider recognition week

This is a picture of Shea and I with my mom standing on the left side with a sombrero on. I had to make somebody look foolish and I knew I just had to choose my mom. I got a ribbon for improved posture which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. That's all thanks to my girl. Shea, you keep me modivated on a daily basis. They say diamonds are a girls best friend but in my opinion it should be horses are a girls best friend. I love you my girl. If you ask me nobody else should be your rider. I would adopt you in a heart beat if I could.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Way to go Shea

Well I just found out yesterday from my friend Jan that my girl Shea just got Horse Of The Year and a poster with her name on it and her picture with Horse Of The Year plastered on it. I can just picture the poster now. If I had been there I definately would've started crying. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I don't care if she's not mine, but let's face it, if anybody wants to get to her they're going to have to go through me my therapist and her leader to get to her. Let's face it Shea. You're my girl and nobody or nothing can change that. You will always be my girl and my best friend. I love you girlie.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To my dear sister

Hey sis,

I just wanted to congratulate you again on the wonderful news of your remission. I love you very much and am proud to say that not only are you my big sister but also my best friend and I couldn't imagine my life without you. You are and always will be very special to me and you are also a very determined woman and a fighter and I get that from you. I've always told people that you are a big part of the reason I got back on after I fell off because after I fell off I asked myself when I was laying on the ground "What would my big sister do in this situation?" What I came up with was that you wouldn't have let it phase you and you would've gotten back on just like I did. You would've been as determined as I am and I will never forget you for that. I owe a lot of the reason I got back on when I did to you.

I love you very much!! )

hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Horseback riding

Today I went horseback riding. I have to admit out of my whole week that is the one thing that I really look forward to on a daily basis. Today we had a little issue though. We were in the arena and we passed by this guy that had like a trunk or something open and he went to close it and the lid closing was loud. Well it spooked her and she just did a little jump so I stayed on. I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself. After next week I have to leave her for two weeks to go up to Oceanside to get my dog so as much as I'm going to miss her, which I have to say is going to be like crazy, it's all for a good cause. Hey, Emerson gets a buddy to play with too. I can't believe how fast it's coming up!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to find out if I get a black lab or a yellow lab.

Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of school

Today I had my first day of school. It was very tiring but I was glad to be back. Unfortunately I had take my moms' old cell phone because I accidentally left my cell phone in my jacket and it had to be washed so my cell phone got thrown in there with it. Needless to say, the battery died. For anybody who has accidentally gotten their cell phone wet I have a couple of tips: #1: Get a bowl of dry rice. #2: Take the battery out of the phone and put both the phone and the battery in the rice. #3: If you have a touch phone when you turn the phone on it will look distorted, but trust me when I say there's still hope. All that is is excess water so put it on something that's heated for about 72 hours and wait it out. The water will absorb eventually. I'm getting a new phone on Tuesday but for anybody who has ever had this happen I'll just say that most cell phone companies don't know the rice or the heat trick